Advanced Design Inspired by Nature

Nature is the most masterful designer we know. We took inspiration from the interplay of earth’s elements to solve an elemental challenge—how to reliably deliver pure drinking water in an era of environmental instability.

Science and Nature Unite!

We believe science and nature can work together in a regenerative cycle to create water abundance without depleting scarce natural resources. 

The Spout atmospheric water generator is the first offering in our quest to provide a range of atmospheric water solutions that scale to support communities, industry, and agriculture around the world.

The Next Wave of Water Abundance

Our guiding vision is a future where every living being enjoys access to perfectly pure water.

Our mission is to provide water of unquestionable quality to as many people as possible by transforming the most abundant greenhouse gas into our planet's most precious resource.

Spout Values



We are committed to providing the highest quality, contaminant-free water, fostering health and well-being.



We create solutions that fit effortlessly into people’s lives in ways that are convenient and hassle-free.

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship

We create solutions that fit effortlessly into people’s lives in ways that are convenient and hassle-free.



We continually innovate to harness the best available technologies, constantly improving our products.

Our Story

Reuben Vollmer was at work in Los Angeles when he got a call from his parents. They received a notice from the State of California that they could lose their water rights during the drought. They’d recently relocated to a small ranch in the mountains to enjoy retirement. Their dreams of rural golden years harvesting olives from a modest orchard could vanish in an instant. 

Walking his dog the next morning, Reuben considered the dew covering a wide lawn. Why couldn’t moisture in the air be the water supply for a ranch?

For the next decade, Reuben put his engineering talents to work inventing and innovating atmospheric water harvesting processes for a variety of uses. 

He’d already been working on the idea for years when Reuben met entrepreneur Tyler Breton. They hit it off immediately, hatching a shared vision for how a company built around atmospheric water could work.

Together, they formed Spout to focus their innovation efforts on creating a device for the home that could provide superlative drinking water that never passes through a pipe.  

Early on, both founders took time to visit Flint, Michigan, speaking directly with families affected by the contaminated water crisis. The heartbreaking stories they heard only strengthened their resolve to make Spout succeed. 

After five more years of experimentation, prototypes, trial and error and fine tuning, the Spout Atmospheric Water Harvester is ready for the home. 

But this is only our first chapter. 

We won’t stop innovating and creating new products until water travesties like the one in Flint are a thing of the past.

-The Spout Team

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